Page 1: Feedback on the Targeting Revisits Map

Thank you for taking time to give feedback on the Targeting Revisits Map.

We hope that you have enjoyed exploring the Targeting Revisits Map. This is an opportunity to tell us what you think of it and how you think it might affect your recording.

Full information about the Targeting Revisits Maps can be found here.

All the Targeting Revisits Maps are available at:

Grasshoppers and bush crickets | Craneflies | Ground beetles | Soldierflies | Ladybirds

Also available is Seasearch (run by MCSUK)


This feedback survey is optional - you do not have to fill it in, but the results will be used to inform how we can best support biological recorders like you and help to get better data on trends in insects.

By filling in this survey you give us permission to use the information you provide for evaluation of the Targeting Revisits Map. This may include publications, such as reports and scientific journal articles. An anonymised version of the data may be made publicly available in conjunction with any publication.

This survey has been reviewed by Human Research Ethics Committee at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. If you have any queries, please contact

1.1. Do you agree to take part in this survey and for your data being used to evaluate the Targeting Revisits Maps? Required
2.2. Have you explored the Targeting Revisits Maps in the past? If yes, please select the ones that you have used.
3.3. Is this the first time that you have filled in a feedback survey on the Targeting Revisits Map? (If yes, you are welcome to fill it in again to update your responses.)
4.4. Do you think that the Targeting Revisits Map is valuable for recorders like you?
6.6. What is the likelihood that the information in the Targeting Revisits Map will influence your recording of the species in the Map that you have used?
7.7. How much of your recording of these species do you think will be influenced by the information provided by the Targeting Revisits Map?

This part of the survey uses a table of questions, 

8.8. Given the information presented in the Targeting Revisits Map, how motivated are you to visit and submit records of these species from:

Please don't select more than 1 answer(s) per row.

Very motivated to record in these squaresSomewhat motivated to record in these squaresSlightly motivated to record in in these squaresThe map has no effect on my motivationMotivated to avoid recording in these squaresI don't know
Targets for revisits? (Bright pink on the map)
Well recorded squares? (Bright green on the map)
Unrecorded squares? (Blank on the map)

This part of the survey uses a table of questions, 

9.9. How frequently do you submit species records from the following groups? (Include records submitted to iRecord, your county recorder, your Local Records Centre or another similar project)

Please don't select more than 1 answer(s) per row.

NeverRarely - only in some yearsOccasionally – one to a few records each yearFrequently – many records each year
Grasshoppers and crickets (Orthoptera)
Ground beetles (Carabids)
10.10. How frequently do you submit records for any species (e.g. via iRecord, your county recorder, your Local Records Centre or another similar project)?

Please tell us a little bit more about your experience in biological recording.

14.14. How often do you currently participate in biological recording and submit records to iRecord, to your county recorder, to your Local Records Centre or another similar project? (If you record for more than one scheme, please consider your participation across all schemes. If you record for a taxa that is seasonal, please only consider frequency during the typical recording season.)
15.15. How long have you been a regular participant (annually or more often) in biological recording? (If you participate in more than one scheme, please answer in relation to the scheme that you have had the longest involvement with.)
16.16. How confident are you in your identification skills for the type of organisms that you record for? (If you record for more than one type of organism, then please answer for the type that you have highest confidence in. This may be different to the insect groups for which we have Targeting Revisits Maps.)

If you have any queries about this survey or the Targeting Revisits Map, please contact Michael Pocock